
You killed it!

Thank you so much to everyone that came down! There was such a great turnout and it was a pleasure to play for every single one of you.

Huge congratulations and thank you’s to the groovy ‘Demure’ and amazing ‘Rogue Awakening’ who we shared the stage with! You guys rocked and killed it. We can’t wait to play a show with you again.

Massive thanks to The REC Rooms for hosting the event and being incredible the whole time.

We had an unforgettable night and as our last scheduled gig for this year, we’re glad we managed to send off 2022 with a bang!

More photos will be uploaded as we have loads!

So much love,


Camden! Thank You!

Camden you went off! Thank you to everyone who came down to support us. We had a great time and below are just some of the photos that were taken.

We played at the amazing Dublin Castle, Camden, for an all day event and were once again joined by our good friends Clay Soldiers.

We can’t wait to play more shows for you all!

Click here to hear our new single ‘Salmon Chimes’